strength |
Medium |
size |
4 x 52 |
wrapper |
Ecuadorian Connecticut |
grade |
Hand Rolled / Long Filler |
binder |
Nicaragua |
filler |
Nicaragua, Honduras, Dominican Republic |
shape |
Torpedo |
Over the past nine years, Davidoff has revamped many of its non “Davidoff” brands. We’ve seen major makeovers of the Camacho, Avo, Cusano, and Winston Churchill brands. 2021 would see the Zino brand undergo a major change. For many years Zino has been positioned as an ultra-premium brand. Most of the releases over the past decade have been limited ones. The change would be seen in a new line known as Zino Nicaragua. In this case it would be the first regular production release since 2011’s Zino Nicaragua would be different. It would be positioned as more of a value-priced cigar, and a the same time it would not be targeted for just premium tobacconists, but also for convenience stores. Today we take a closer look at the Zino Nicaragua in the Robusto format.
As many known, the Zino brand is named Zino has always been one of the more interesting brands on the marketplace. It’s a brand not just known for its innovative packaging, but one that attempts to push the boundaries of what Davidoff does in terms of blends and even sizes. As we will see, the packaging is simpler, but its so different, one can make the case that the change is innovative in itself.
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